January 5, 2012

Felt like a dream

(I know I have to write a different post for my group blogging activity. But I am feeling so nostalgic about home and our recent trip, that I couldn’t help but write this post.)

It seems just like yesterday that we were busy shopping, buying gifts, and packing for our India trip. It seems just like yesterday that one day before our departure we got the sweet news that we were blessed with a niece. It seems very recently that we boarded a flight to India, counting the hours left before we could see our parents.

We landed in India on 5th Dec, exactly a month back. We thought three weeks would be enough to visit home. But we were terribly wrong. The first 2-3 days went in fighting the jet lag and getting accustomed to the weather. Meanwhile, we also started our shopping for my brother’s wedding. We visited our flat that first weekend and managed to meet a few friends.

The next week was wedding preparations week. I don't even recall how that went by what with last minute shopping, buying tons of things, welcoming relatives, organizing things, packing bags, etc. My kid brother got married on 18th and somehow that is still sinking in. It takes time to believe that the baby you held in your arms, the one you watched grow up, had innumerable fights with, shared dozens of things with finally grew up into a responsible man and tied the knot. Anyway, the wedding was a grand hit and we had a fun time doing fancy dress by changing into different gorgeous sarees and enjoying good Indian food. The day before and after the wedding we had poojas and they went exactly the way I like them: calmly, quietly, with the mantras spreading a positive vibe in our house. The newly weds left for their honeymoon two days after the wedding. And that was our last week in India.

We had just four days left spare after the wedding. They went by in the blink of an eye. We managed to eat whatever was on our list whenever we could. I am sure people couldn't understand the joy on our faces as we relishied the road-side pani puri after 8 months:)

Yes, some things back home are still the same. We were hot and miserable the first few days. We were shocked by the inflated prices every time we ate/drank something. An itty-bitty glass of lime juice costs us 20 bucks. The traffic and the pollution is still bad. I spent 10 minutes trying to cross the road those first few days. I thanked God every time I safely survived an autorickshaw ride. But nothing can beat the love of parents, relatives, and friends. We felt so pampered and loved during our small stay. Our kid had a grand time with her grandparents. Before we knew, it was time to repack and head to US.

There was a big scene at the airport where my kid cried out for her grandparents and wanted to stay back. My heart broke into a million pieces as I saw my kid crying in my arms, reaching out to her grandparents, who cried on the other side of the airport entrance. Meanwhile, I tried to put on a brave face and stop my tears, but failed miserably. We came back on 24th Dec.

It was such a short trip that I can't even believe I had actually gone there. I mean, how could it get over so soon? I keep cursing myself that I should have checked the holiday calendar and stayed there the whole of December. I was unaware that we had holiday on 26th and 30th. And now, I keep regretting that I could have taken additional three days off, or worked from there, or done something, just something, but stayed for a while more. Till the very last minute before leaving India, I felt that I should extend our tickets and stay some more. But what's the point of repenting now?

It really feels like a sweet dream of us visiting home, spending time with our loved ones, and eating home-made food. I only wish the dream would never get over!