January 5, 2007

New Year Resolutions for 2007

Before the onset of every New Year, I religiously make New Year resolutions. Sometimes, I have a long list of them; sometimes the list is small. Sometimes, I make the resolutions in my mind; at other times, I write them down. Sometimes, the resolutions are very tough, sometimes they are easy. Well, in the midst of all these changing factors, one thing remains the same every year – I break all my New Year resolutions. I follow them determinedly in the beginning of the year. But after some days, I either get bored with them or I simply forget them. Last year I had the misfortune of my resolution list landing in the hands of my mother. She made a huge fuss over them. She reminded me every now and then about the progress, or should I say, digress of my resolutions. This year I have decided to share my resolutions with everyone.

Well, why should this year be any different? So, here I am making a list of all the resolutions that I am planning to break in 2007:

1. Make a proper schedule:- Since the time I have landed in the US, my whole schedule has been disrupted. I get up at 11 o’clock, spend the next two hours chatting with friends, and have lunch at any time after that. Once lunch is over, I either switch on the TV or read a book. I have a bath at any time between 3 to 4 o’clock. At times, I have a bath just before my husband reaches home. Frankly, after following this schedule for 3 months, I am utterly bored with it. I want to get up at a decent hour and utilize my time more effectively.

2. Exercise regularly:- Some background about my eating habits would be necessary before writing down this resolution. This is mostly two important resolutions combined into one. I hereby present two facts – I am thin and I am a total junkie. I do not think twice before devouring anything. I am absolutely crazy about fried stuff, especially chips. I can easily finish a bagful of chips all by myself. I love chocolates, ice-creams, cakes. I do not give a damn about how many calories I consume in a day, hour, or minute. I have realized that if I have any chance of staying beyond 60 years is if I get a grip on my eating habits and exercise regularly. I must have visited the gymnasium around 10 times in the past 3 months. It’s not that I don’t like going to the gym, it is pure laziness. So, I am planning to spend at least half an hour in the gym on a daily basis. I am determined to do Yoga every morning and visit the gym every evening.

3. Learn Spanish:- I always been interested in learning new languages. I currently know only three languages, and now that I have the time, I would like to learn a new one. I have always been intrigued by the Spanish language and am planning to learn it. A couple of books and some online oral tutorials should help me learn the basics of the language.

4. Regularly keep in touch with friends and family:- I have a huge and diverse group of friends, and a huge family. At times, I know what is happening in their lives; at others I don’t know anything. I always wonder whether it is difficult to keep in touch with friends – what with the e-mail, chat, phone options available. How much time does it take to drop in a little hello? Or is it necessary to reach out to friends only when we are feeling lonely and need their company?

5. Write more:- I am a Technical Writer by profession and have written so much technical stuff up till now. But now, I want to write more about everything I see and experience. There is so much to write. I want to write about places I visit, books I read, feelings, emotions, movies, and about life.

6. Be more creative and organized:- I am planning to learn lots of crafts, knitting, sewing in this year. These are things that I have always wanted to do, but never got the time to learn. I have done some painting and embroidery in the past, but I want to take this one step further and learn more. I also want to be more organized and always keep my home neat and tidy.

7. Reduce my temper:- My parents, my husband, and myself are very scared of my temper. At times, I don’t understand what tips me off. But I get very, very angry. I want to use meditation and yoga to reduce my temper.

8. Improve cooking:- Well, I am a terrible cook. I try very hard, but whatever I make turns out to be a disaster. My cooking has considerably improved since I have come to the US. I have taken a guanine interest in cooking and am trying out new things by visiting blogs. So, the New Year resolution is to be a really good cook.

Well, that’s all for it now. I hope I am able to meet at least some of my resolutions if not all. At the end of the year I will write another article – “Broken Resolutions in 2007”.


Unknown said...

This is very nicely written.Your thoughts and emotions have come out gracefully. Well honey, somehow, I am confident and I believe that none of your resolutions would break.Cos' over the time, I have seen you emerge as a stronger person.Keep the spirits high..All the best!

Bhagyashri said...

Hey All the Best! With such a huge & diverse list of resolutions I am sure you will need all the wishes you get..:) But dont worry, knowing you, I am sure that you will persue all of them with vigour & if for some reason you dont keep up with anything, remember resolutions are meant to be broken, otherwise whats the fun in making them!

Sachin said...

Me llamo Sachin.

i wasnt surprised even a little reading your resolutions....they're the same every year, but the spanish thing stumped me! How abt adding 'i'll be nice to my bro' too? Hehe

anyways chal, nice blog, but dont keep it locked naa, keep it open so that everyone may see it, otherwise whats the use of this if only we can read it?