October 3, 2011

10 day challenge: one picture and a recap

Finally the day is here. I and my comrades have successfully completed the 10-day challenge. Special thanks to Deepu for initiating this challenge. Big round of applause for Sonali who always posted on time. The rest of us started with much gusto, but we missed a few deadlines and then missing became a habit. Anyway, I thoroughly enjoyed writing each and every post.

This happens to be my favorite snap. This was taken on my husband's birthday in 2007 in our Louisville apartment. We had invited some 35 close friends for a small celebration. He clicked this snap while we were waiting for our guests.

I love my slight smile, the hair that for once stayed intact, and my general aura in this snap. I always use it when I need a decent close-up.

I would like to recap the lasts nine posts in this post. There were things that I either forgot or didn't divulge. Have fun reading:
  1. Ten secrets: I suffer from mint kleptomania. Just kidding. I like to joke that I do. But I can't resist stealing atleast 4-5 mints from restaurants. I steal only one type. The white ones with the red design. Once, a waitress charged us 6$ for an item she didn't tell us about. We assumed it was complimentary by her casual mention. We didn't want to reverse the bill. I picked up 20 mints on my way out just to feel better about the whole thing. I intend to stop doing this. I hope no restaurant owners are reading this.
  2. Nine loves: Sleeping. I love sleeping for long hours. There was a time when I used to sleep for 12 hours. Half the day gone. I even slept for long hours during my board exams.
  3. Eight fears: In the haste of finishing the post on time, I totally forgot my biggest fear. Visiting dentists. I am so fearful that I wait till the pain gets impossible. I have sacrified 2 teeth, which could have been saved had I gone earlier. I just hate everything about dentists. The smelly clinic, the odd smelling gloves, the drilling noise, the excruiating pain. Yucks! I would prefer having a permanent denture than go through the pain of visiting a dentist.
  4. Seven wants: To ride a motorbike wearing all leather gear. I have this vision of myself roaring on a bike wearing black leather pants, black leather jacket, black helmet, and black sunglasses. I have never been able to figure out why I need the sunglasses inside the helmet:)
  5. Six places: Surat. Love visiting my aunt who stays there. Visiting her gives me an oppurtunity to sample all Gujrati foods. She always makes undhiyo, which is a treat in itself. Earlier, I would visit her in vacations and just laze around on her sofa:)
  6. Five foods: Dadpe pohe! Always has and always will be my favorite breakfast or snack. I can easily gobble up 4-5 plates. Check out the recipe on my food blog.
  7. Four books: Tough times never last, but tough people do! This book and the poem have always been a source of inspiration.
  8. Three films: Legally Blonde. Totally love Reese Witherspoon in this one.
  9. Two songs: Gagan sadan tejomaya. Of course, my husband always covers his ears when I try to match the high notes.
Thanks to all those who took the time to read my posts. Adios!


Diary-RTOAC said...

Touching song Swapna, I'd never heard it..my eyes welled up..far away from Mumbai, listening to the song so innocently devotional, made me feel so nostalgic I somehow now miss the beauty of the Marathi language itself..I remember the Santhavaanis I read and used to love in school days..thanks for sharing. Really good idea for you to share the top "misses" :-D

Sonz said...

Thanks for the applaud :-) .. though must admire your commitment to this activity with a managing a kid , am sure it must be tough .

Deeps said...

Swaps, you a mint kleptomanic??? :) I can actually picture the look on your face when you would have swept those 20 odd off the table, good going !!! I once fought with a manager or something at an Indian restaurant for adding 18% gratuity on our bill during a lunch buffet ! It was a buffet ! But you did something way better LOL :)

You have changed Swaps, not that you weren't good in college, but there's this humour aura to you which has multipled n number of times this then ! Like I said on comment on your other post, its nice to possess the ability to make people laugh !!!

Always be this way girl !!!